Meet the Team
We are a dedicated group of students and early career researchers spanning diverse research interests on reef science, career goals, and parts of the globe.
Steering Committee
Chair: Kennedy Wall
Cape Eleuthera Institute
Vice Chair: Igor Pessoa
Rio de Janeiro State University (he/him)
Secretary: Serena Hackerott
University of Delaware
Treasurer: Michelle Taylor
University of Aberdeen
Reefbites Blog
Blog Manager: Sandra Schleier Hernández
University of Rhode Island
Content Curator: Michelle Baptist
University of Miami
Co-Chief Editor: Krista Laforest
Nova Southeastern University
Post Coordinator: Jill Ashey
University of Rhode Island
Lead Content Curator: Vivian Yifan Li
Penn State University
Content Curator: Julia Briand
McGill University & the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Team Lead: Meg Van Horn
University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Barbara Ribeiro
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Shannon Dixon
Ohio State University
DeVant'e Dawson
University of Florida
Diana Carolina Vergara
University of Michigan
Early Career Committee
Team Lead: Eslam O. Osman
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Karan Deshpande
Wildlife Conservation Society, India
Agustin Capriati
Wageningen University
Siddhi Jaishankar
Nature Conservation Foundation, India
Eric Schuster
University of California, San Diego
Nicholas Jonas
Nova Southeastern University
Violeta Martinez Castillo
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur
Ninon Martinez
Boston University & University of Belize Environmental Research Institute
Hannah-Marie Lamle
Florida International University
Social Media & Communications
X: Team Lead: Rachel Alderdice
University of Konstanz
X: Ricardo Mazza
University of Amsterdam
Instagram: Annalise Nisly
Islamorada Conservation and Restoration Education
X: Joyce Velos
University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute
X: Eloise Rose Enrico Lopez
Sargassum Podcast
Instagram: Ryan Tomaine
The Nature Conservancy
X: Clara Yong
National University of Singapore
Instagram Team Lead: Natascha Varona
University of Miami, USA
X: Erin Chille
Rutgers University
Instagram: Ilgin Koc
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Skill & Professional Development
Team Lead: Maya Powell
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Megan Dear
Duke University
Team Lead: Ben Farmer
Louisiana State University
Megan Sporre
University of Michigan
Sarah Solomon
University of Amsterdam
Emily Corrigan
Wilfrid Laurier University
Daniel Olivares-Zambrano
University of Southern California
Team Lead: Rosa Celia Poquita-Du
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center
Kirstin Gaffney
Newcastle University
Jasmine Haskell
Southern Cross University
Nepsis Garcia
University of Michigan
Caitlin Hall
University of Alberta
Lead Translator: Matias Gomez-Corrales
Nova Southeastern University
Spanish: Diana Carolina Vergara-Florez
University of Michigan
Language Representative, German: Marina Elisabeth Rottmueller
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Italian: Martina Burgo
James Cook University
Portuguese: Ana Carolina Grillo
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
French: Laura Lardinois
McGill University
Clara Diaz
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
Steering Committee
Chair: Morgan Short
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Contractor (NOAA/ERT)
Secretary: Jenna Dilworth
University of Southern California
Treasurer/ECR Team: Violeta Martinez Castillo
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
Action Committees
SPD: Mahsa Alidoostsalimi
University of Melbourne
ECR Team Lead: James Cant
University of St. Andrews
ECR: Christina Skinner
University of Queensland
EDI: Emily Chei
The University of Hong Kong
EDI: Kristina Black
University of Texas- Austin
SPD: Ronen Liberman
Tel Aviv University/NSU
SPD: Raphaela Gracie
University of Southampton
Communication Committees
Webmaster: Nicola Kriefall
Reefbites Co-chief Editor: Miranda Spencer Altice
Southern Cross University
Reefbites Post Coordinator: Bobbie Renfro
Florida State University
Reefbites Content curator: Paige Strudwick
University of Technology Sydney
Reefbites Content curator: Henrique Bravo
University of Groningen
Twitter: Dani Nembhard
Twitter: Katrina Munsterman
University of Michigan
(she/her, they/them)
Instagram Team Lead: Rebecca Turner
Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Instagram: Rosa-Maria Cañedo
Instagram: Hamid Darkhal
SBU University
German Translation Coordinator: Selma Mezger
University of Bremen
Translation Post Coordinator: Andrea Landaverde
North Carolina State University
Thank you to our founders.
Our chapter began as a committee in 2016 thanks to the hard work of: Jessica Bellworthy (Chair), Sandra Schleier (Reefbites), Maha Cziesielski (Reefbites), Claire Lewis (Twitter), Hannah Reich (Twitter), Carlos Carvajal (Instagram), and Laura Richardson (Student Events). For three years, they ran the student committee and in 2020, recruited the current student chapter team. We would not be where we are today without you!